Religion Press Release Services

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Monday, October 30, 2006


Fair Witness Confronts America Magazine’s Distorted Moral Narrative on the Middle East

Sr. Ruth Lautt, O.P., Esq.
National Director, Fair Witness
(516) 870-0335 Ext. 3

(Jericho, New York) October 30, 2006 -- Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle East (“Fair Witness”) is disturbed by the unbalanced manner in which the weekly Jesuit publication America Magazine and its editor Drew Christiansen have covered the on-going conflict in the Middle East. With this lack of balance in mind, Fair Witness looked specifically at the manner in which America has applied Catholic just war doctrine to the hostilities that took place over the past year.

“In the course of our analysis we found that in their assessment of the recent round of violence between Israel and its adversaries, the writers and editors of America have exhibited a marked tendency to invoke the language of the just war doctrine to condemn Israel’s behavior without fairly applying the principles this language is meant to portray,” said Sr. Ruth Lautt.

According to Fr. James Loughran, S.A. “a fair and comprehensive application of the just war doctrine would draw attention to the unjust goals pursued by Hamas and Hezbollah, and the manner in which these groups have pursued these goals – issues that have been for the most part ignored in the pages of America.”

”Despite the fact that Israel was a victim of two unprovoked attacks from territory from which it had previously withdrawn, certain commentators persist in condemning Israel for responding in an allegedly disproportionate manner,” adds Dexter Van Zile. “This reveals a disturbing double standard. Fifty-eight years of non-stop aggression against the Jewish state has resulted in a selective habituation. Violence against Israel has become an unremarkable part of life in the Middle East – background noise not worth mentioning. Israeli response to this violence however, continues to provoke severe criticism.”

The full report is now available at Fair Witness’ website.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Little Book Of Peace Makes Great Holiday Stocking Stuffer

Pocket Sized Book Speaks Ageless Truth

For More Information, Contact: Janis D. Shields, Director Media and Public Relations, (215) 241-7060; After Hours: (302) 545-6596

Philadelphia — Now more than ever Americans are asking questions: Will I ever again feel safe? Will our nation ever again be at peace? If I say I want peace and not war, what does that mean? Does it mean we should do nothing?

The Little Book of Peace gathers over 400 quotes of wisdom from myriad sources that demonstrate and explore the complex journey of attaining peace. Compiled by Patricia J. Chui, and now available from the American Friends Service Committee, an international social justice organization and co-recipient of the 1947 Nobel Peace Prize, this thought-provoking and comforting collection offers words advocating world and inner peace alike.

“The people quoted in the book are religious and secular, young and old, hopeful and jaded,” Chui states. “They are writers, philosophers, scientists and statesmen. Like the rest of us they have struggled to understand what peace is and how to find it.”

The book includes quotes from Gandhi, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Anne Frank, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, Joan Baez, Martin Luther King, Jr. and many, many others. The book includes brief biographies of each contributor.

“While they may not claim to have all the answers,” Chui observes, “it’s the asking that yields the most provocative fruit.”

Chui is a writer and editor who came of age politically at the University of California at Berkeley. She now lives in Brooklyn, New York. The American Friends Service Committee is internationally recognized for its humanitarian work and is best known for launching massive food programs to feed millions of starving children in post-war Germany. During World War II, AFSC provided temporary aid, housing and other assistance to Japanese-Americans in efforts to get them out of internment camps.

The Little Book of Peace was created after and is dedicated to the victims of the September 11 tragedies. The 184-page pocket-sized volume is only 4 ¼ x 5 ¼ inches in size — perfect for starting, ending or recharging your day. The cost is $7.95. To order or for information contact AFSC at 1-888-588-2372 extension 2 or visit

“It seems in the end that peace is just as difficult as war,” Chui concludes. “But if anything that very complexity should make us appreciate it all the more.”

# # #

The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Faithfone Wireless - Ministry Partners Program


Phoenix - 27 October 2006 - FaithFone Wireless(tm), a Phoenix-based, purpose- driven Christian mobile phone company, is proud to announce today the launch of its Ministry Partners program. FaithFone Wireless has entered into a media delivery and content distribution partnership with Jireh Mobile to provide Churches personalized mobile content and messaging services. FaithFone Wireless recently launched the first-ever faith-based branded mobile phone service to offer Daily Devotionals, Bible passages, Prayer Of The Day, Life Advice, and like-minded entertainment content via (SMS) Text on branded mobile phone handsets.

FaithFone has developed a Ministry Partners program, providing Churches and other Faith-based organizations a unique business opportunity and wireless services. FaithFone Wireless products and services are designed to facilitate ministry growth, member retention, contribution consistency, and stimulate community outreach and development though partnerships with local ministries. FaithFone offers Ministry Partners a personalized mobile content card with music, sermons, branded ringtones, and daily devotionals produced by the Church that can be loaded on the members’ cell phones using an IVR system (Interactive Voice Response). In addition FaithFone provides Ministry Partners leading edge solutions including a (CTMS) Congregational Text messaging system, FaithFone Dealership, Mobile Banking Deposit account, revenue sharing, monthly residuals, individual members Mobile Banking VISA Debit card accounts, member retention and ministry mobilization solutions.

Jireh Mobile has developed a delivery platform that provides FaithFone's Ministry Partners a Branded SMS Text messaging solution to send daily congregational communications to its Church members. The (CTMS) solution will distribute event notification, weekly sermon sound bites, daily devotionals, bible passages, Prayer Of The Day, and news alerts to the members’ cell phones.

The Ministry Partners program is a focal point for our company's growth and success. The Jireh Mobile solution enables our Ministry Partners to utilize the FaithFone as a tool for mobilizing entire ministries on a moment’s notice, says Larry Witherspoon Managing Director of FaithFone Wireless Media. The FaithFone becomes an optimum congregational communications tool that extends the reach of the Faith-Based community beyond the walls of the Church and keeps members connected to the small, medium, large and Mega Church 24 / 7.

FaithFone is currently finalizing agreements with several Churches, Ministries, Faith-Based organizations, and Christian-owned businesses in the U.S. and abroad. For more information about becoming a Ministry Partner go to or call (888) 313-FONE.

Jireh Mobile is a division of Jireh Business Development, offering mobile content distribution and SMS and Premium SMS solutions for businesses and ministries worldwide. For more info go to

Contact: Angel Morgan - (888) 313-FONE

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Courting Religious Voters for the November Elections

Experts Convened by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Discuss Lessons Learned from 2004

For Immediate Release

To reprint this news release or the online transcript contact
Burke Olsen at or 202-419-4564

WASHINGTON—Oct. 25, 2006—As Democrats try to win back one or both houses of Congress this November, they are increasingly employing the language of faith and morality to frame the issues, hearkening back to the 2004 GOP campaign and its appeal to “values voters.”

That election was widely perceived as a “wakeup call” by Democrats, said John Green, a senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and co-editor of the new book The Values Campaign? The Christian Right and the 2004 Election.

It might be difficult, said Green, for Republicans to duplicate their past success with religious voters this year, in part because many Christian conservatives are disillusioned over what they perceive as a lack of progress on the GOP’s social issues platform.

“We may not see a wholesale desertion of Christian conservatives from the Republican Party,” Green said. “But we could see depressed turnout” when measured against comparable mid-term elections.”

“It might be very significant in some races, maybe less significant in others, but a lot of the contested House and Senate races are so close now that even a modest decline could make a difference.”

Green was one of three expert observers of religion and politics participating in a recent roundtable discussion at the Forum. The gathering was not open to the public or the media but a transcript has been posted on the Forum’s website.

To read the transcript, see or click here.

Joining Green were Amy Sullivan, a contributing editor at Washington Monthly and Ross Douthat, an associate editor at Alantic Monthly. All three agreed that values voters were a key to GOP victories in 2004, but not as important as some early reviews of the election suggested. Still, exit polling convinced Democrats to pay more attention to the “faith factor.”

The 2004 election “was a turning point for some Democrats who had been anxious to talk about religion but didn’t feel it was acceptable within the party,” said Sullivan, who is writing a book on faith and the Democratic Party. The party’s realization that most Americans are religious and don’t want candidates to compartmentalize their faith gave candidates “the go-ahead to just get out there, take off the muzzle and be who they are.”

In recent months, former presidential nominee John Kerry, potential 2008 presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter and a growing list of other Democrats have been openly talking about their faith and framing issues like the war in Iraq, the environment and poverty as moral questions.

But that comes with a risk. Some have warned that by embracing religious rhetoric Democrats could alienate the secular wing of the party.

“How [do Democrats] integrate whatever successes they have with candidates who talk more openly about faith” with “these public figures … who don’t want religion in public life?” asked Douthat.

One approach many Democrats are taking is to frame issues in a way that the entire party finds acceptable. The experts noted that Democrats recently have started talking about “the common good,” a phrase that is not explicitly religious but clearly hints at a moral framework for public policy.

“I thought it was just a gimmick that Democrats were starting to talk about the common good,” said Sullivan, who served as a legislative aide to former South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle, a Democrat. “But now I’ve talked to enough voters who bring that up unprompted and heard about a lot of focus groups where people are talking about phrases like the common good, and I think it’s very powerful.”

While Democrats are finding new ways to address moral issues, Republicans are struggling to reconnect with some of the religious voters that turned out for them in droves in 2004. Douthat said that while conservative optimism about bringing political reform and freedom to the Middle East coupled nicely with an anti-abortion agenda in 2004, ongoing problems in Iraq have made such a linkage “untenable, at least in the near future.”

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life provides opinion leaders with timely, impartial information on issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs. As an independent, nonpartisan and non-advocacy organization, the Forum does not take positions on policy debates. The Forum is a project of the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. Both organizations are based in Washington, D.C., and are sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


National Survey Shows 97% Are Having CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD

For Immediate Release: 10/24/06

Contact: Arielle Ford
858 454 3314

According to a new Beliefnet/Spiritual Cinema Circle survey 97 percent of respondents talk to God. Almost as many, 91 percent, say God talks back in ways that range from the sound of one’s own thought to mystical signs and revelations, from visitations of heavenly angels to visits with friends.

“These percentages are extraordinary,” said Neale Donald Walsch, author of “Conversations With God,” the inspiration for a new movie of the same title. “Not only am I surprised, but I am also inspired . . . we search for what we intuitively know must be true – that we are part of something larger, that we are not alone, that there has got to be something else.”

But for most people, that “something else” is to be found almost everywhere except inside a church, synagogue or mosque. The vast majority of the survey takers said God is more accessible outside a house of worship than within.

God speaks “through miracles that happen to me everyday,” one respondent wrote, “but seem too small to be noticed by anyone else around me. It happens between me and God.”

Another respondent said God sounds like “the voice of truth, a recognition beyond the every day chatter.”

And only a fraction, less than one percent, felt that clergy had “better access” to God than other people.

“That speaks to a couple of issues,” said Mark Galli, a former Presbyterian minister and managing editor of Christianity Today. “The low appreciation for institutional religious life in America and . . . the highly individual nature of faith. In the end, it is a very private exchange.”

The survey asked, “If you could have a conversation with God, what’s the one question you’d most like God to answer?” Of the nearly 10,000 responses, some of the most popular included:

Is there an afterlife?
Is the Bible true?
What is my purpose in life?
When will there be peace on earth?
Why does there have to be so much suffering in the world?
How can I serve you best?

And then some people just wanted to know the winning lottery number for next week’s Powerball.

Ten years ago, in what became a series of late night “conversations with God,” Neale Donald Walsch posed an endless stream of questions about life’s mysteries and uncertainties, and God answered. Walsch filled dozens and dozens of legal pads recording these conversations, and their messages became the basis for a book, CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD and now a major feature film. The film chronicles Walsch’s dramatic journey as a down-and-out man who becomes a spiritual messenger and bestselling author. It opens nationwide on October 27th.

The survey was conducted among 9,866 Beliefnet/Spiritual Cinema Circle users over two weeks, from Sept. 25 to Oct. 9th. The respondents were self-selected and were not asked to identify themselves by age, gender or religious preference.

Press Contact: Arielle Ford, The Ford Group, 858-454-3314

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


JESUS RODE A DONKEY: Why Republicans Don’t Have the Corner on Christ

Linda Seger, Th.D.

Contrary to popular political propaganda, America’s Christians are not exclusively card-carrying Republicans. The common idea that the religious base in this country is voting strictly Republican is just that—an idea, and an indefensible and politically divisive one at that.

Published to coincide with Presidential mid-term elections, JESUS RODE A DONKEY: Why Republicans Don’t Have the Corner on Christ (Adams Media; Hardcover; August, 2006) by noted theologian Linda Seger debunks the religious myths dividing America today. By exploring what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat—and by clearly showing how the two are not mutually exclusive, (as some Republicans claim) but rather inherently inclusive—Seger’s book breaks new ground.

Seger bases her analysis on scripture, the legacy of Jesus, and Christian theology. By revealing the close relationship between core Democratic policy and Jesus’ teachings, Seger proves George W. Bush’s Republican base does not have the corner on contemporary Christian beliefs. She asks the questions:

If Jesus were alive today, would he:

- Feed the poor – or cut free school lunch programs?
- Comfort the old and infirm – or eliminate Social Security?
- Turn the other cheek – or invade Iraq?

Dr. Seger, who is both a Born-Again Christian and a Quaker, examines such issues as War and Peace, Abortion, Social Justice, Civil Rights and Civil Unions, Fear and Terrorism, the Problem of Bearing False Witness, the Environment. and Religious Divisiveness

She shows how some of Jesus’ teaching on these subjects has been misinterpreted, or simply ignored. And she explores what it means to be a Christian, and a Democrat and reveals the many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the values Democrats call their own.

Uniquely qualified to write this book, Linda Seger is a theologian, author, and teacher. She holds a Th.D. from the Graduate Theological Union and an M.A. from The Pacific School of Religion and an M.A. from Immaculate Heart College Center in Los Angeles. Her media credits include The O’Reilly Factor and CNN. Seger resides in Cascade, Colorado.
# # #

Dr. Linda Seger is available for interviews.
To schedule, please contact Beth Gissinger at or 508/427-6757

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777

Monday, October 23, 2006


New magazine, Salvo, to tackle sex, science, and society

October 23, 2006 - On this, the feast day of St. James of Jerusalem, Chicago-based publisher The Fellowship of St. James is proud to announce the launch of its latest publication, Salvo.

The magazine focuses on science, sex, and society to present a united witness of biblical Christian truth to a secular society. The premier issue is now available for those interested in thinking clearly about science, contemporary culture, and the significant questions of life. Salvo provides a compelling challenge to the prevailing assumptions and thinking of Americans whose day-to-day lives are dominated by the ideologies of naturalism, postmodernism, moral relativism, and materialism.

Salvo is produced by an ecumenical editorial board of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians who seek to engage the culture from a Christian worldview. The graphic style is contemporary, and the tone is edgy-with several witty fake advertisements.

Phillip Johnson, author of The Wedge of Truth calls Salvo "hard-hitting and entertaining." Mark Brumley, President of Ignatius Press, says that Salvo is "setting the pace for cultural engagement today." Herbert I. London, President of the Hudson Institute, says, "Here is a publication that is timely, persuasive and intelligent. Surely it immediately ranks in the forefront of new and exciting publications."

The magazine is produced quarterly for an annual subscription rate of $25.99. A 96-page magazine, Salvo is available on 176 newsstands across the country, distributed by Ingram Periodicals, Inc.

The editor of Salvo, Bobby Maddex, is available for comment on the intersection of Christianity and culture. His email:

More information is available at and Review copies are available by request.

The Fellowship of St. James also produces the award-winning Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, now celebrating 20 years of publication.

Contact: Geoff Battersby, Marketing Director
Ph: 719-352-8770

The Fellowship of St. James
PO Box 410788
Chicago, IL 60641

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Mobile Banking Goes Faith-Based


Phoenix – 20 October 2006 – FaithFone Wireless™ a Phoenix based purpose driven Christian mobile phone company, announced today the launch of its mobile banking platform (BOY) “Banking On You”. FaithFone Wireless has a partnership with technology platform provider RBA International, and ACS (Affinity Card Services) to manage financial services, banking affiliations, and customer service for FaithFone Mobile Banking accountholders.

The (BOY) Mobile Banking platform is the first of its kind to be offered by a Christian mobile phone company. The service offers an individually FDIC-insured mobile banking account with a VISA Debit card, coupled with transactions and inquiry based solutions. Accountholders have 24 / 7 access to their money and account information using banking functions enabled on the FaithFone Wireless handsets in place of their PC or Bank web-site.

The platform is designed to instantly send (SMS) text alerts to the FaithFone handset anytime the accountholders VISA Debit card is used for purchases. FaithFone Mobile Banking VISA Debit card can be turned On and Off using the FaithFone Wireless handset to deactivate the card at anytime, for added security and fraud prevention. Account information can also be accessed via the secure web-site to track spending, view bank statements, or do a (P2P) Payment to Person money transfer to family members and friends who are FaithFone Mobile Banking customers.

FaithFone Mobile Banking also offers its Ministry Partners a convenient Debit Card depository account, enabling the Church to receive contributions 24 / 7 from FaithFone accountholders. In addition, 1% of the total monthly bill for phone minutes purchased by Church members using the FaithFone Mobile Banking Debit card will be donated to the Ministry Partner. FaithFone Wireless is Mobilizing Ministries by offering personalized content, banking, and event notification tools via SMS text messaging to facilitate wireless congregational communications, Church growth, and member retention assurance.

You get the banking services and convenience without the banking hours, because the bank is with you wherever you go with your mobile phone 24 / 7 says Larry Witherspoon Managing Director of FaithPhone Wireless Media, Inc. With the FaithFone personalized Mobile Content and Mobile Banking, our Ministry Partners can extend the reach of the contribution chain outside the walls of the Church, by keeping members spiritually, financially, and wirelessly connected to the ministry.

The service is available to FaithFone Wireless customers, and does not require a credit check or a previous banking history. When customers sign up for the mobile service with FaithFone Wireless, they automatically qualify for the FaithFone Mobile Banking service which offers bill payment, Direct Deposit, ATM, credit reporting, and many free services.

Contact: Angel Morgan – (888) 313-FONE

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Program Listings for October 20, 2006

A Production of Thirteen/WNET New York


This week's edition of the PBS newsmagazine program RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY (distributed Friday, October 20 at 5 p.m., check local listings) will feature the following reports:

* Cover Story: "Democrats and Religion" - Kim Lawton talks with Democratic leaders, including Senator John Kerry, about the Party's efforts to reach out and connect with people of faith.

* Feature: "Mentoring Inner-City Boys" - Lucky Severson provides a behind-the-scenes look at how a faith-based and church-sponsored mentoring program in Indianapolis' inner city is helping urban youths turn their lives around.

To request a transcript of these reports, send an e-mail to or go to the program Web site at where the transcript and streaming video of each story will be available after 8:30 p.m. on Friday.

For information, contact:
Mary Schultz
Director of Communications
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Contemplation & Justice: An Evening and a Day with Rose Mary Dougherty, SSND

18 OCTOBER 2006

(301) 897-7334 x 213

BETHESDA, MD -Shalem Institute will be hosting an evening and a day with
Rose Mary Dougherty, SSND, entitled, Contemplation & Justice, at the St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 10701 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD. The evening lecture entitled, Contemplative Practice and Social Action, will be held on Friday, November 3, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., and the day-long workshop, Zen as Contemplative Practice: A Way into Justice, will be on Saturday, November 4, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The cost for the lecture is $25 and the workshop is $65. Participants should bring a bag lunch to the workshop; drinks will be provided.

At the Friday evening lecture, Dougherty will consider the integral relationship between contemplative practice and just action as expressed in many faith traditions and how these contemplative practices can support our discerning the right responses. During the Saturday workshop there will be an introduction into the contemplative practice of Zen meditation. Participants will receive instruction in Zen sitting and walking meditation and will explore ways in which Zen practice can support a way of life that embodies God's compassionate action for the world.

Dougherty is Shalem's Senior Fellow for Spiritual Guidance, currently works as a volunteer at Joseph's House, a hospice for formerly homeless men who have AIDS, and offers retreats and group spiritual direction for hospice care-givers. She is a sensei (teacher) in the lineage of the White Plum Sangha.

For registration information about this event or any of Shalem's other programs, call (301) 897-7334, visit or email at


For over 30 years, the Shalem Institute has answered a unique call to assist those who hunger for a deeper spiritual life. Dedicated to the support of contemplative living and leadership, Shalem has ministered to clergy and lay people from a variety of denominations and communities across the country and throughout the world.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Revised Edition of Best-Selling AIDS Book Ready for Release


Contact: Valerie Crawford
Company Name: STL/ Authentic
Address: 129 Mobilization Drive
Waynesboro, Georgia 30830
Phone 1-866-732-6657 ext 249

October 17, 2006 - The Skeptic's Guide to the Global AIDS Crisis, one of the best selling books on the HIV/AIDS pandemic, has been updated, expanded, and repackaged. The new, revised edition published by STL/Authentic will be available mid November 2006.

Having already sold more than 40,000 copies, the revised edition continues to incorporate a very user-friendly format, with even more photos, graphs, facts, and quotes. It also includes the latest data from UNAIDS surveys, as well as information regarding the new HIV testing guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in September.

"The book was written for the person who had heard about AIDS, but had a number of questions and was somewhat skeptical about why the crisis was of personal concern," said Dale Hanson Bourke, author of the book. "I'm gratified to know that the book has been used to help educate congregations, donors, students and individuals who have now become aware and engaged in this crisis."

Many nonprofit organizations have used the book to help educate donors or as a thank you to those who have donated to their work in the area of HIV/AIDS. Churches have used the book as a text for study groups or classes and colleges have also used it to educate students. It has also been distributed by the World Bank bookstore and other international outlets.

Now that the CDC has encouraged HIV testing for all Americans as part of their routine medical exam, the visibility of the pandemic is rising again in the US. The guidelines were issued partially because the CDC believes that as many as a million Americans are HIV positive and one quarter do not know they are infected.

Bourke, who has written six books and is a syndicated newspaper columnist, admits she knew little about HIV/AIDS before writing the book. "I was overwhelmed by all the information and was looking for something simple that answered the basic questions."

The Skeptic's Guide to the Global AIDS Crisis is the first in a series by Bourke with The Skeptic's Guide to Global Poverty releasing Summer 2007. The second in the series will offer a simple and approachable guide to understanding the causes, consequences, and possible cures of poverty.

* STL/Authentic publishes resources to engage the global community in relevant issues of mission, spiritual growth, biblical studies, and the ongoing needs of today's church and society. STL/ Authentic also publishes titles for World Vision. For more information, please visit

For Information, contact:
Phone: 1-8MOREBOOKS (1-866-732-6657) ext 249

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

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To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


SEEK FIND: The Bible For All People, Contemporary English Version

SEEK FIND: The Bible For All People, Contemporary English Version
American Bible Society
G. P. Putnam’s Sons
Publication Date: October 5, 2006

“At last there is a version [of the Bible] that can be understood by a five year old, hold the attention of a teenager and still provide the rich detail desired by adults.”
—Howard G. Hendricks, The Dallas Theological Seminary, Center for Christian Leadership

In a time when modern society has been inundated with more questions about the Bible’s veracity than ever before, Penguin’s Praise Publishing Program along with the American Bible Society is publishing it’s first edition of the Contemporary English Version, SEEK FIND: The Bible For All People, as a response to the urgent need for a translation that would reach the millions who are not reading the Bible. The Praise Publishing Program is a faith-forward initiative spearheaded by publisher, Joel Fotinos. Its goal is to make the word of God more accessible to the public. “I noticed that people had a hard time fully comprehending the text in any translation,” says Fotinos. “When I landed at Penguin ten years ago, I immediately began looking for a Bible translation that I could publish. I wanted something with two key qualities: easy-to-read and academically sound. I met up with people from the American Bible Society, which is the largest Bible society in the world, and we forged a partnership with their translation of the Bible, the Contemporary English Version (CEV). ” With the help of the Bible Society, now the greatest story every told is even more accessible to people of all ages, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey.

The Contemporary English Version is an accurate translation of the Bible and remains faithful to the meaning of the biblical text. Over a period of ten years, more than 100 people—including English language experts, biblical scholars, special reading consultants and members of the most experienced Bible translation organization in the world, the Translation Consultants of the United Bible Societies—helped create the CEV. The result is a text that is comprehensive and meaningful; to put it plainly, it is a Bible spoken in today’s language.

Unlike other Bibles, SEEK FIND (G.P. Putnam’s Sons; Publication date: October 5, 2006; ISBN: 0399-5397-7), can be read aloud without stumbling, heard without misunderstanding, and listened to with enjoyment. It is as practical as it is important, opening the doors to an entirely new understanding of the text.

Joel Fotinos is available for interview. Please don’t hesitate to call me at the number below if you would like to arrange one or need anything further.


Inga Fairclough
Senior Publicist

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

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To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Global Missions Leaders Gathering for Important Conference on Landmark Study

Study To Shape International Missions for Next 20 years

Download “Operation ACCESS!” press kit @

October 16, 2006

Alex Coffin @ 704/364-2942

NAMPA, Ida. – Some of the world’s international missions organizations are sending their key leaders here to Mission Aviation Fellowship’s (MAF) new headquarters Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 18-19, to determine how to implement results of MAF’s recent landmark study – “Operation ACCESS!” – for global missions.

The “Operation ACCESS!” study ( focuses on pockets of people, forgotten or heretofore unreachable. It identifies 364 areas where transportation, communications and technology barriers impede or prevent access to the Gospel, or to resources needed to enable community development, healthcare and education services. It also assesses the nature and significance of the barriers, the degree of any ministry taking place and suggests how to overcome the barriers.

The five-year global research project provides critical, unprecedented information that could shape international evangelism, ministry and humanitarian strategies for the next two decades.

“The ‘Operation ACCESS!’ conference is a ‘working meeting’ of key decision makers from missions organizations, denominations and Christian non-governmental organizations from around the world,” said Dave Bochman, MAF chief operating officer and conference organizer.

“Our goal is to forge partnerships with other organizations to determine how best to use the study data to overcome barriers and reach the lost,” he said. “But we also want to facilitate other organizations working together and the development of collaborative strategies.”

Phill Butler, president of visionSynergy (, an organization based in Edmonds, Wash., that develops strategic international Christian networks focusing on high impact opportunities for world evangelism, will facilitate the “Operation ACCESS!” conference.
Butler said “Operation ACCESS!” has the potential to shape worldwide evangelism strategies for the next 20 years.

“The issues facing us are on such a scale that they cannot be tackled by any individual or organization alone,” he said. “The Church must collaborate and work together.”

Kevin Swanson, MAF president, said research shows that despite extraordinary missions efforts, three out of four people alive on the earth have not heard the Gospel.

“The Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14-15 talked about the need to ‘send preachers.’ But preachers can’t be sent unless the barriers that prevent their access and sustainability are overcome,” said Swanson. “‘Operation ACCESS!’ is a strategic ‘roadmap’ to accomplish this God-appointed task.”

“MAF’s foundational re-analysis of its work and of mission work in general has produced a breathtaking new analysis of the challenge before us,” said Dr. Ralph Winter, founder of the U.S. Center for World Missions.

Dr. Charles H. Kraft, professor of anthropological and intercultural communication at Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Missions, called the study “one of the most promising projects I’ve seen in my 32 years at Fuller.”

“Operation ACCESS!” found that in all of 364 remote sectors in 64 countries, transportation, communications or technology barriers prevent or impede people's access to the Gospel, resources for spiritual growth and basic services.

Key findings are as follows:

* 52 percent of all sectors present “significant” barriers to reaching people living in the area.
* 66 percent of all sectors had little or no ministry in place.
* “Significant” communications barriers are faced in 89 percent of sectors; 56 percent of sectors face almost insurmountable communications barriers.
* 87 percent of sectors are difficult to access by road.
* Other barriers include: social and economic factors (75 percent); agency resources factors (61 percent); transportation and travel factors (23 percent); political and religious factors (21 percent); and geography factors (6 percent).
* Fulfilling the task of the Great Commission demands that barriers be addressed and strategies deployed to overcome them– and that they be developed in cooperation with indigenous and international missions groups.
* Surveys were conducted in 15 of the 27 countries where the top 100 least-reached people groups live (Joshua Project).

Founded in 1945, MAF ( stations some 200 missionary families in the remotest regions of 23 countries on five continents. MAF pilots fly approximately 40,000 flights a year, transporting missionaries, medical personnel, medicines and relief supplies, as well as conducting thousands of emergency medical evacuations. MAF also provides telecommunications services, such as satellite Internet access, high-frequency radios, electronic mail and other wireless systems, in isolated areas.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of MAF pilot Nate Saint, who, along with missionaries Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Pete Fleming and Roger Youderian, was speared to death by Waodani (Auca) Indians in Ecuador.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

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To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Religion News Service Names Dozen Most Effective Democrats on Faith and Religion

For Immediate Release

Contact: Kevin Eckstrom, Editor
(202) 383-7864

WASHINGTON (Oct. 16, 2006) -- Two years after Democrats promised to find ways to bridge the “God gap” with religious voters, Religion News Service (RNS) is naming the Dozen Most Influential Democrats on issues of faith and religion.

The list, culled from dozens of interviews by RNS editors and reporters, highlights the most effective, listened-to and sought-after people – both inside and outside the party – who are shaping Democrats’ approach to religion. The list includes a few familiar faces, but also highlights the people behind the scenes who are shaping how the party thinks and speaks about matters of faith.

“When John Kerry’s handling of religion fell flat with most voters in 2004, the Democrats promised to do better. We wanted to find out what’s happened since then,” said RNS editor Kevin Eckstrom. “We’ll let the pundits decide whether they’ve been successful. We wanted to introduce the people who are influencing the debate.”

The Republicans’ successful connection with religious voters is well-known and documented by reams of polling data. RNS chose to focus on Democrats because their story is still evolving. “In many ways, Republicans wrote the playbook on how to reach religious voters,” Eckstrom said. “Democrats are just now starting to play the game.”

The RNS Dozen Most Influential Democrats list includes:

* The Theologian: Shaun Casey, ethicist, Wesley Theological Seminary
* The House Trinity: Reps. James Clyburn, Rosa DeLauro and David Price
* The Preacher: Leah Daughtry, chief of staff, Democratic National Committee
* The Model: Tim Kaine, governor of Virginia
* The Insider: Mike McCurry, former White House press secretary
* The `Blessed’ One: Barack Obama, senator from Illinois
* The Prophet: Rabbi David Saperstein, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
* The Matchmaker: Burns Strider, House Democrats’ Faith Working Group
* The Agitator: Amy Sullivan, Washington Monthly magazine
* The Strategist: Mara Vanderslice, Common Good Strategies

RNS chose not to include any active political candidates beyond Clyburn, DeLauro and Price.

Two stories, RNS-DEMS-FAITH and RNS-DEMS-DOZEN, will be transmitted to RNS subscribers Tuesday, October 17. Non-RNS subscribers interested in purchasing reprint rights should contact Claudia Sans Werner at 202-383-7870 or

Photos of all dozen Democrats are available at, as well as group shots and an original illustration by Monica Seaberry. For one time only, RNS is offering subscribers all 12 headshots and related photos for the regular price of one photo. For details, contact Tracy Gordon at

Religion News Service is the only secular wire service focused exclusively on religion, ethics, spirituality and moral issues. A large worldwide network of correspondents, stringers and columnists delivers syndicated news and opinion daily to more than 100 major daily newspapers, including The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The New York Times and USA Today. In addition to such media organizations as Time magazine, Newsweek, National Public Radio and PBS, hundreds of award-winning magazines, broadcasters, religious publications and Web sites subscribe to the service.

RNS also provides a photo service with thousands of current and stock photos and graphics. RNS is part of Newhouse News Service, which is owned by Advance Publications Inc.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

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To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI from 38 Leading Muslim Scholars and Leaders


In an unprecedented move, an open letter signed by 38 leading Muslim religious scholars and leaders around the world was sent to Pope Benedict XVI on Oct. 12, 2006. The letter, which is the outcome of a joint effort, was signed by top religious authorities such as Shaykh Ali Jumu‘ah (the Grand Mufti of Egypt), Shakyh Abdullah bin Bayyah (former Vice President of Mauritania, and leading religious scholar), and Shaykh Sa‘id Ramadan Al-Buti (from Syria), in addition to the Grand Muftis of Russia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Slovenia, Istanbul, Uzbekistan, and Oman, as well as leading figures from the Shi‘a community such as Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri of Iran. The letter was also signed by HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal of Jordan and by Muslim scholars in the West such as Shaykh Hamza Yusuf from California, Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and Professor Tim Winter of the University of Cambridge.

All the eight schools of thought and jurisprudence in Islam are represented by the signatories, including a woman scholar. In this respect the letter is unique in the history of interfaith relations.

The letter was sent, in a spirit of goodwill, to respond to some of the remarks made by the Pope during his lecture at the University of Regensburg on Sept. 12, 2006. The letter tackles the main substantive issues raised in his treatment of a debate between the medieval Emperor Manuel II Paleologus and an “educated Persian”, including reason and faith; forced conversion; “jihad” vs. “holy war”; and the relationship between Christianity and Islam. They engage the Pope on an intellectual level concerning these crucial topics—which go well beyond the controversial quotation of the emperor—pointing out what they see as mistakes and oversimplifications in the Pope’s own remarks about Islamic belief and practice.

The Muslim signatories appreciate the Pope's personal expression of sorrow at the Muslim reaction and his assurance that the words of the Byzantine emperor he quoted did not reflect his personal opinion. By following the Quranic precept of debating “in the fairest way”, they hope to reach out so as to increase mutual understanding, reestablish trust, calm the situation for the sake of peace, and preserve Muslim dignity.

Christianity and Islam make up more than half of humankind in an increasingly interconnected world, the letter states, and it is imperative that both sides share responsibility for peace and move the debate towards a frank and sincere dialogue of hearts and minds which furthers mutual understanding and respect between the two religious traditions. Indeed, the scholars point out, both religions teach what Christianity calls “the two greatest commandments.” The commandment that “the Lord our God is one Lord” and that we shall love Him with all we are is enshrined in the first testimony of faith in Islam, “There is god but God.” The second commandment “to love thy neighbor as thyself” is also found in the words of the Prophet, “None of you believes until he desires for his neighbor (in another version, his brother) what he desires for himself.” The signatories also point out the positive contacts the Vatican has had with the Islamic world in the past, with a hope that they will continue and even grow in the future. [end]

The official and full English version of the text along with the complete list of signatories is available now on the Islamica Magazine website (

If you would like further information or interviews with Professor Tim Winter in the UK and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf in the USA regarding issues related to the open letter, please contact Islamica Magazine: in the USA on 213-291-7191, in the UK on +44 (0) 20-7993-2966, in Jordan on +962-6-464-1179 or 00-962-777608449; or by email at

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Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Church Technology Provider Leads Way With Google Gadgets Integration

ACS Technologies First to Offer Small Group Info Via Google Gadgets

Press Contact:
Lauren Hunter Public Relations
Tel: 916.838.2184


FLORENCE, SC, October 16, 2006—Creating yet another technological advancement to assist churches in optimizing congregational communications, ACS Technologies is the first church information management provider to develop a technology to deliver small groups assignments and connections via Google Gadgets. Before, people would go to their church Web site and login for information; now the same information is delivered to them via their Google Personalized Home Page. ACS Google Gadgets can be placed anywhere on a Google Home Page, and can even be delivered to a Google Desktop or personal Web site. The ACS Google Gadget gives members and staff the ability to view outreach assignments; small group leaders can view connections with members that need to be made; and everyone can view their events. In every case, by adding ACS Google Gadgets to their Google Home Page, users can easily stay connected with their churches through the Internet. Now, when people access their Google Personalized Home Page, the ACS Google Gadget puts this church-related information right at their fingertips and encourages them to stay connected with ease.

“Gadgets are the first of a series of small bite-sized delivery methods we plan to offer to deliver content where church members and staff spend their time,” commented Hal Campbell, president and CEO of ACS Technologies. “The Web allows us to expand the boundaries of church communication and makes it possible for increased involvement, better communication and enhanced outreach.” Additional ACS Gadgets will be released soon.

ACS Google Gadgets can deliver content to places on the Web where members and church leaders will more likely be, rather than expect them to go to their church Web site everyday and login to check for assignments, connections or for events. In a matter of minutes, anyone can add an ACS Google Gadget to their homepage that will deliver specific church information regarding small group assignments and connections through Access ACS. This announcement comes shortly after the release of ACS Technologies’ Small Groups Complete™ solution that introduces a new package of solutions that combine Access ACS™ online tools and real life ministry implementation. The result is Small Groups Complete™, an easy choice for churches that wish to manage and organize small group ministries more efficiently and effectively.

For more info about ACS Google Gadgets, visit ACS Technologies’ blog:, call 1-800-736-7425 or email for more details.

ACS Technologies Group, Inc.
ACS Technologies ( is the leading provider of information management solutions for churches, schools and other faith-based organizations and has made its most notable contribution to the church management software industry with its powerful desktop application, ACS™. By meeting client needs with a variety of desktop and Web-based software solutions, customer support and professional services, ACS Technologies offers the broadest range of products and services to the largest client base in the industry—over 22,000 different organizations rely on ACS Technologies for their daily operations. The company has developed a robust product line that offers total integrated solutions for clients, providing tools to manage finances, membership, school data, church growth, Web sites, Catholic organizations through the PDS™ product line and more. Founded in 1978, ACS Technologies is a privately held company headquartered in Florence, South Carolina with over 300 employees and sales and training offices throughout the U.S.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

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To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Orthodox Priest Beheading and Recent White House Omission Lead to Call for American Protection of Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch Meeting in Turkey


Yesterday's reported beheading of an Orthodox Priest and a recent White House omission during a meeting between President George W. Bush and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan increased concerns about protecting the spiritual heads of the two largest Christian denominations, while in Turkey together. Catholicism's Pope Benedict XVI and Orthodoxy's Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will be meeting in Turkey in late November. Turkey is the first Muslim country that Pope Benedict will visit. Until the year 1054, the Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch were presiding Patriarchs of the then-undivided Christian Church, in Rome and Constantinople.

Muslim extremists connected the Orthodox and Catholic faiths as they reportedly beheaded an Orthodox priest on Thursday, October 12 in Iraq because the Orthodox Church did not condemn Pope Benedict's recent remarks about the Prophet Mohammad. Turkey's extremist group, the Grey Wolves, has long focused on these two Christian faiths. One of their members, Mehmet Ali Agca, shot Pope John Paul II and, in recent years, they are suspected in bombings aimed at Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. The Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch will soon celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew together in Muslim Turkey.

These events and concerns about a major White House omission were raised in a letter to President Bush and Administration and Congressional leaders, from Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis, the head of American lay leaders of the Christian Orthodox Church in the Order of St. Andrew. The Order includes distinguished members such as U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and businessman and owner of the San Diego Chargers Alex Spanos.

The letter said, "This is the first time in well over a decade that an American President did not raise with the Turkish Prime Minister the crisis that is leading to the Muslim world's expulsion of the Ecumenical Patriarch - the spiritual head of Christianity's second largest denomination. The timing of removing the crisis facing the Ecumenical Patriarchate from the normal list of White House concerns, and the message that this sends to dangerous elements in Turkey, is disconcerting. It coincides with a worsening trend of persecutions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and immediately precedes the visit to Turkey by Pope Benedict XVI, against whom threats have been made from Turkey."

Turkey recently confiscated 75% of the property of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, closed its seminary and requires the Turkish Prime Minister's approval of new Ecumenical Patriarchs. Turkey also requires that Ecumenical Patriarchs be Turkish citizens while it drives the eligible population in Turkey toward extinction. Unless changed, this will result in the termination of this nearly 2,000-year-old Sacred See begun by Christ's Apostle Andrew and spiritual head of 250 million Christians.

More than half of the United States Senate has signed a letter to the President describing the crisis as a "religious tragedy of historic magnitude." The Senate letter also states, "Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew gathered international religious leaders and produced the first condemnation of the attacks as `anti-religious' that included Muslim leaders. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew's individual importance to America is reflected in the record number of Congressional co-sponsors who bestowed on him our country's highest honor, the Congressional Gold Medal - an award also given to George Washington, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela and Pope John Paul II."

The Limberakis letter went on to say, "In light of your inspiring second inaugural address, we implore you to take extraordinary Presidential-level action as soon as possible to offset any misimpression that America has deemphasized its concern about the 'religious freedom' of and plight of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. And, please deploy American security forces in Turkey to protect the Pope's visit, particularly during his meetings with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and to protect the many American Orthodox Christians who will be present to witness this historic event."

For more information, please contact Mike Manatos at 202-393-7790.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


The Intersection of Faith and Reason: Seton Hall University Lecture Series Confronts Controversial Contemporary Issues

Bobby Schindler, Terri Schiavo's Brother, Shares Personal Experiences

Media Contact:
Catherine Memory
Director of Media Relations
Seton Hall University
(973) 378-2650 /

(South Orange, New Jersey) -- Stem cell research. Cloning. Euthanasia. Sexuality. Such topics appear with regularity in today's headlines and news crawls, yet intellectuals, religious leaders and people of faith remain confused and often at odds about these important issues. Church teachings about these issues are often misunderstood or misrepresented. In response to this dilemma, Seton Hall University, together with the Order of Malta, has organized a Catholic Perspectives Lecture Series titled "A Question of Clarity" to delve beyond the politics and sensationalism, to explore the intersection of faith and reason, and to shed light on some of the most pressing moral issues of our day.

"These issues touch on the very meaning of the human person," explained Father Anthony Figueiredo, executive director of mission and ministry at Seton Hall University. "As a Catholic University dedicated to the search for truth, we seek the input of experts in various fields, including law, medicine and government. Each will offer a distinct contribution to the dialogue in an atmosphere of mutual respect."

The first lecture, on October 18 at 6:30 p.m., titled End of Life Decisions features legal and medical experts, as well as Bobby Schindler, Terri Schiavo's brother. Schindler was his family's spokesman during the fight over Ms. Schiavo's life. Today Schindler travels the country sharing his personal and family experiences with doctors, congressmen and demonstrators in order to raise public awareness of end of life issues.

Kathleen Boozang, associate dean of Seton Hall University Law School and founder of its Health Law and Policy Program, will expound upon the legal tangles inherent in the end of life topic. Boozang serves on numerous hospital ethics committees and in 1998 was appointed by Governor Pataki to the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. Boozang possesses significant experience in the clinical setting of Catholic hospitals, and she will help clarify the role and impact of religious belief in litigation of life and death decisions.

Cardiologist Thomas Higgins provides the medical perspective. An attending physician at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, New Jersey, Higgins has extensive direct experience with terminal patients. And as a Knight in the Order of Malta, Higgins is well versed on the Catholic position on life where it intersects with medicine.

The Catholic Perspectives Lecture Series is the New Jersey Area of the Order of Malta's first collaboration with an academic institution. Robert Fredericks, New Jersey area chair of the Order, says, "We were eager to work with such a premier University as Seton Hall. We hope the lecture series will bring to the fore some of the more cutting edge questions and increase understanding of end of life and other issues."

All lectures in the Catholic Perspectives Lecture Series are free and open to the public and take place at 6:30 p.m. in Jubilee Hall Auditorium on Seton Hall University's South Orange, New Jersey campus. Advance registration is requested by phone, (973) 378-2600, or e-mail, The second lecture in the series on February 28 is devoted to the Science and Ethics of Stem Cell Research and Cloning. The series concludes with a Human Sexuality lecture on April 11.

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Program Listings for October 13, 2006


This week’s edition of the PBS newsmagazine program RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY (distributed Friday, October 13 at 5 p.m., check local listings) will feature the following reports:

* Cover Story: "Darfur Activist" — Lucky Severson visits with Dr. Eric Reeves, a scholar-turned-activist crusading against violence and human rights violations in Darfur.

* Profile: “Muslim Congressional Candidate” — Fred de Sam Lazaro looks at how democratic candidate Keith Ellison is galvanizing — and winning — voters in Minnesota’s fifth district race to become the nation’s first black Muslim in the U.S. Congress.

* Feature: “Holy Land Artifacts” — Dr. Rusty Maisel, American curator of the exhibit “From Abraham to Jesus,” provides a behind-the-scenes look at the largest collection of ancient Holy Land artifacts to ever tour the U.S.

To request a transcript of these reports, send an e-mail to or go to the program Web site at where the transcript and streaming video of each story will be available after 8:30 p.m. on Friday.

For information, contact:
Mary Schultz
Director of Communications
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

About Religion Press Release Services
Religion Press Release Services distributes press releases, press advisories, photos and other stories on behalf of religious organizations, denominational offices, think tanks, watchdog groups, advocacy groups, coalitions, foundations, colleges, universities, seminaries, publishers and others.

The organizations and/or individuals who submit materials for distribution by Religion Press Release Services are solely responsible for the facts in and accuracy of their materials. Religion Press Release Services will correct any errors brought to its attention.

Contact Us
To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Fair Witness Rejects America Editorial

Sr.Ruth Lautt, O.P., Esq.
National Director, Fair Witness
(516) 870-0335 Ext. 3

(Jericho, New York) October 11, 2006 -- Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle East strongly rejects the assertions in America Magazine’s editorial “Unending War.” The staff at America once again places the state of Israel under its highly selective “ethical” microscope as they comment on Israel’s use of cluster bombs in the last days of the war with Hezbollah.

Fair Witness certainly does not endorse the use of cluster bombs -- and we endorse the use of maximal efforts to avoid the tragedy of civilian casualties in war. However, reasoned denunciation of such weapons is compromised by the gratuitous and wholly unfounded accusation of ethnic cleansing. Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit expressed concern that “America’s inflammatory accusations, devoid of meaningful analysis, seem designed not to build a case against cluster bombs, but to inflame passions against the Jewish state.”

“While ignoring the serious threat Israel was under when Iranian-backed Hezbollah, armed with an arsenal of missiles, attacked Israel early this summer, America hurls the invidious accusation of “ethnic cleansing” at the Jewish state.” says Sr. Ruth Lautt, O.P.

Cluster bombs are very destructive weapons. But to attribute a motivation of “ethnic cleansing” to Israel, -- a charge we do not recall being leveled against NATO forces after their use of cluster bombs in Serbia and Kosovo -- while ignoring more obvious motives such as delaying the return of Hezbollah terrorists to the region, is irresponsible at best.

“Using the emotionally charged rhetoric of ‘ethnic cleansing’ that has no basis in fact, does nothing to promote any real understanding of the issues involved in this conflict,” according to Rev. Dr. Roy Howard, “but merely serves to stir up anti-Israel animus.”

“America’s allegation of ‘ethnic cleansing’ is a canard that has no logical place in analyzing Israel’s tactics,” added Fr. James Loughran. “If there is any attempt to ‘cleanse’ this region of any group it is Hezbollah’s, Hamas’ and Iran’s openly stated policy to destroy the Jewish state.”

We must remind America that there is an “unending war” in this region because Israel’s Arab neighbors have refused since 1936 to accept the presence of a Jewish state. Repeated Arab attacks in the form of five wars and endless acts of terrorism have forced the state of Israel into an unending, unwanted mode of self-defense.

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Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Abbot Primate Notker Wolf, O.S.B., Highest Ranking Benedictine In The World, Will Visit Saint Leo Abbey Oct. 17

SAINT LEO, FLA. - Abbot Primate Notker Wolf, O.S.B., the highest ranking Benedictine in the world, who answers directly to Pope Benedict XVI, will speak on Tuesday, Oct. 17, at the Saint Leo Abbey about Pope Benedict's quest to teach the liturgy and the Saint Benedict Educational Foundation.

His monastery is the Saint Anselmo Monastery in Rome, and it houses the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy. Father Cajetan Homick, O.S.B., president of the Foundation, will accompany the Primate. Father Wolf will speak first with the sisters at the Holy Name Monastery at 9 a.m., the monks at Saint Leo Abbey at 10 a.m. and from 11 a.m. until noon he will be available for a press conference in Saint Leo Hall, located on the Saint Leo University Campus.

Father Notker Wolf was born in Unterallgäu, Bavaria on June 21, 1940 and has been an abbot for 27 years; for the last four years, he has served as the Primate. He is fluent in English, German, French, Spanish, Latin and Greek. He also studied Hebrew, can read Portuguese and Dutch and is now studying Croatian.

The Primate is also eager to see the outcome of the U.S. presidential election in which he believes plays an important part to all issues concerning not only America, but the world at large.

When elected as top Abbot Primate, Wolf departed from the rules and romanticist ways of the 1950s. Father Wolf had important views on topics such as adolescents in today's societies, common ownership between spouses and self discipline. He believes that discipline will challenge people to think of different ways to structure monastic life for the future. Father Abbot has traveled the world taking on a "vow of mobility." He is especially pleased to see women on faculty of schools and leaders in Benedictine communities. He says that, "Benedictine women outnumber monks two to one, a fact that explains why women are closer to life, more devout." The biggest challenge Father Abbot has is "to make tradition fruitful for the modern generation." It is important for him to allow youths to see how far their horizons can be and the goals they can accomplish.

Saint Leo University is on 33701 State Road 52, four miles east of Interstate 75 (exit 285) and about 30 minutes north of Tampa. As you enter the main entrance, go straight and take a left turn, heading toward the parking lot on the right, connecting onto Saint Francis Hall. Saint Leo Hall is the building on the other side of Saint Francis Hall. Walk past Saint Francis Hall and enter Saint Leo Hall via the stairs that take you up to the second floor. The conference room is the first room on the right through the glass entry.

Established in 1889, north of Tampa in St. Leo, Fla., are Saint Leo Abbey and Saint Leo University. Saint Leo Abbey serves the people of God, through Benedictine hospitality. It welcomes all to share in its prayers of the divine office, liturgy, retreat center programs and apostolic labors.

The Abbey meets the spiritual needs of groups and parishes throughout Florida by conducting various charitable ministries and by providing an oasis for God's people to make retreats, find wholeness, rejuvenation and recommitment.

Established in 1889, north of Tampa in St. Leo, Fla., Saint Leo University is one of the largest and most innovative Catholic universities in the United States. Students enrolled at Saint Leo may choose from more than 41 academic programs, including bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, pre-professional and accelerated-learning programs.

As one of the leading providers of higher education to the military and a leader in online higher education, Saint Leo's enrollment includes more than 14,000 students at the traditional University Campus and 16 regional centers throughout Florida, California, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia, and through the Center for Online Learning.

For more information, visit Or contact the Benedictine Monks of Saint Leo Abbey at or e-mail them at

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To distribute press releases through Religion Press Release Services, contact Claudia Sans at or 202-383-7870. For more information check out our PDF brochure.

Religion News Service, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-8777


Lilly Endowment Awards $6.3 Million Grant to FTE to Continue Ministry and Doctoral Fellowship Programs

The Fund for Theological Education will continue to support excellence and diversity in pastoral ministry and theological scholarship

Contact: April L. Bogle
(404) 727-1492
Tasha Schroeder
(404) 727-1173

ATLANTA, October 12, 2006 - Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded a $6.3 million, three-year grant to The Fund for Theological Education (FTE) to continue fellowship programs that identify and encourage gifted candidates under the age of 35 for Christian ministry and doctoral study.

"We recognize the need to increase the number of qualified youth choosing ministry as a vocation and to expand the diversity of students pursuing advanced degrees in religion and theology," said Craig Dykstra, Senior Vice President for Religion at the Endowment. "This grant is an investment in gifted young men and women from diverse backgrounds who want to explore and respond to God's calling in their lives. Given FTE's broad expertise, we are confident this can make a significant contribution to developing future leaders for the church."

FTE offers fellowships and a network of support to approximately 40 doctoral-level students and 110 seminary and undergraduate students each year who are exploring or preparing for ministry. The new grant will fund:
* Doctoral Fellows: African-American doctoral students receive a stipend of up to $18,000, renewable for an additional year. They attend FTE's Doctoral Fellows Conference and receive other professional development opportunities.

* Dissertation Fellows: African-American doctoral students at the final writing stage of their dissertations receive a stipend of up to $18,000. They attend the FTE Doctoral Fellows Conference and receive other professional development opportunities.
* Ministry Fellows: Second-year Master of Divinity students nominated by their seminary deans or presidents are awarded $10,000 for tuition and living expenses and to fund a self-designed summer project to enrich their formation for ministry. They also attend FTE's Excellence in Ministry Conference. Twenty awards will be made each year.
* Undergraduate Fellows: College juniors or seniors nominated by faculty, administrators, campus ministers or parish pastors receive a $2,000 award for educational expenses or a special experience related to ministry. They also attend FTE's Excellence in Ministry Conference. Fifty awards will be made each year.

"Ministry today has truly become an uncommon calling for youth bombarded with other values in popular culture," said Rev. Ann Svennungsen, president of The Fund for Theological Education. "But there are faithful, bright and gifted students who, with encouragement and financial support, see the goodness of pursuing ministry or scholarship as their life's work - and recognize the importance of this work for serving the common good. We are grateful to Lilly Endowment for its vision in supporting the next generation of pastors and scholars."

FTE also awards Fellowships to 40 students entering the Master of Divinity program each year through its Calling Congregations Initiative, which is funded by a separate Endowment grant. In addition, FTE awards 12 stipends each year through its North American Doctoral Fellows program to African-American, Asian American, Native American or Hispanic doctoral students who are preparing to teach in theological schools. This program is funded by the National Council of Churches and a variety of foundations and private donors.

Concerns about the need for professional clergy have been growing for some time as large numbers of "baby boomer" pastors prepare to retire and local congregations seek qualified young ministerial candidates. Statistics by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate clergy vacancies rank among the highest for professions requiring an advanced degree, with many denominations reporting significantly lower numbers of clergy under age 35. For example, a study recently conducted by Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., found that ministers under 35 comprise only about 5 percent of the supply of pastors in the United Methodist Church.

The Fund for Theological Education is a leading national advocate for excellence and diversity in Christian ministry and theological scholarship. It supports the next generation of leaders among pastors and scholars, annually providing $1.2 million in fellowships and a network of support for gifted young people from all denominations and racial/ethnic backgrounds.

FTE is also a resource for educational and faith communities, offering programs that encourage high-quality candidates to explore vocations in ministry and teaching. Since 1954, the Atlanta-based organization has awarded more than 5,800 fellowships in partnership with others committed to the future of quality leadership for the church. More information about FTE is available on the Web at

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