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Wednesday, October 25, 2006


National Survey Shows 97% Are Having CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD

For Immediate Release: 10/24/06

Contact: Arielle Ford
858 454 3314

According to a new Beliefnet/Spiritual Cinema Circle survey 97 percent of respondents talk to God. Almost as many, 91 percent, say God talks back in ways that range from the sound of one’s own thought to mystical signs and revelations, from visitations of heavenly angels to visits with friends.

“These percentages are extraordinary,” said Neale Donald Walsch, author of “Conversations With God,” the inspiration for a new movie of the same title. “Not only am I surprised, but I am also inspired . . . we search for what we intuitively know must be true – that we are part of something larger, that we are not alone, that there has got to be something else.”

But for most people, that “something else” is to be found almost everywhere except inside a church, synagogue or mosque. The vast majority of the survey takers said God is more accessible outside a house of worship than within.

God speaks “through miracles that happen to me everyday,” one respondent wrote, “but seem too small to be noticed by anyone else around me. It happens between me and God.”

Another respondent said God sounds like “the voice of truth, a recognition beyond the every day chatter.”

And only a fraction, less than one percent, felt that clergy had “better access” to God than other people.

“That speaks to a couple of issues,” said Mark Galli, a former Presbyterian minister and managing editor of Christianity Today. “The low appreciation for institutional religious life in America and . . . the highly individual nature of faith. In the end, it is a very private exchange.”

The survey asked, “If you could have a conversation with God, what’s the one question you’d most like God to answer?” Of the nearly 10,000 responses, some of the most popular included:

Is there an afterlife?
Is the Bible true?
What is my purpose in life?
When will there be peace on earth?
Why does there have to be so much suffering in the world?
How can I serve you best?

And then some people just wanted to know the winning lottery number for next week’s Powerball.

Ten years ago, in what became a series of late night “conversations with God,” Neale Donald Walsch posed an endless stream of questions about life’s mysteries and uncertainties, and God answered. Walsch filled dozens and dozens of legal pads recording these conversations, and their messages became the basis for a book, CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD and now a major feature film. The film chronicles Walsch’s dramatic journey as a down-and-out man who becomes a spiritual messenger and bestselling author. It opens nationwide on October 27th.

The survey was conducted among 9,866 Beliefnet/Spiritual Cinema Circle users over two weeks, from Sept. 25 to Oct. 9th. The respondents were self-selected and were not asked to identify themselves by age, gender or religious preference.

Press Contact: Arielle Ford, The Ford Group, 858-454-3314

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